As the weather turns crisp and Michiganders head indoors, here are some resources that can help seniors and caregivers continue to socialize and learn new things via smartphones, tablets and computers. Unless otherwise noted, they are free and available throughout Southeastern Michigan.
Free Online Resources for Seniors & Caregivers
Caregiving, health, financial literacy, Medicare, virtual community center & more.
Aging Connected
Zip code lookup tool for low-cost internet options
Hotline: 877-745-1930
Connect 313
Emergency Broadband Benefit
Detroit residents can save up to $50/month on their internet bill.
(313) 241-7618
Focus: HOPE
Health resources for seniors, caregivers & tech support through Human-I-T.
(313) 865-9800
More than 350 classes from tech tutorials to crafting & social hours with specific topics. Classes are designed for, led by older adults. To waive fee, use coupon code MICHIGANHEALTH
(888) 559-1614
Hannan Center
Zena Baum Senior Service Center
Classes & services for older adults & caregivers.
Zoom and in-person. Includes “First Tech Thursdays”
(313) 833-1300
Henry Ford C.A.R.E. Program
Caregiver Assistance Resources and Education Program – online classes & support groups (also by phone), and other resources. Do not need to be a Henry Ford patient to participate.
Facebook “Henry Ford Health System Family Caregivers”
(866) 574-7530
Matrix Human Services
Seniors needing help accessing free or low-cost internet.
(313) 526-4000
Operation Able
Remote & virtual training including computer training for adults over 40 re-entering the workforce.
Facebook “Operation ABLE of Michigan”
(313) 832-0922
Senior Planet from AARP & Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)
Tech training & online community. Courses taught in real time in how to use Zoom, smart phones, social media; tech discussion groups, videos.
National Hotline: (920) 666-1959
Tech Time at St. Patrick Senior Center
Technical support & coaching for members from onsite health team - Madonna & WSU nursing students.
58 Parsons, Detroit 48201
Call for hours:
(313) 833-7080
More than 100 co
urses; thousands of video & article tutorials on how to use popular websites, apps, devices.
For family caregivers in Area Agency on Aging 1B service area. Videos, articles, slideshows, supports.
(800) 852-7795
Or Contact Your Local Area Agency on Aging or Public Library