If you are the caregiver for an elder loved who receives Medicaid assistance and you could benefit from financial assistance yourself, consider enrolling your loved one in the Home Help program which pays family caregivers, or others who the care-recipient designates.
The Home Help program is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and provides personal care services to individuals who qualify for hands-on assistance. MDHHS is responsible for approving family caregivers as Individual Home Help Providers for participation in the program.
The program works like this:
Doctor fills out form: Take the Medical Needs form (MDHS-54-A) to the doctor’s office for the physician, nurse practitioner, physical or occupational therapist to complete.  They may fax the form or you can submit directly to the care recipient’s MDHHS Adult Services Worker.
Apply for the Home Help Program: Along with this form, submit the Adult Services Application (form DHS-390), select the Home Help option, and return both forms to the Adult Services Worker. Applications are reviewed within 45 days.
Apply to be an Individual Home Help Provider: First time Individual Home Help Providers must apply through the electronic Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System. CHAMPS will initiate a criminal history screening. Upon completion of the application, notify your loved one’s Adult Services Worker.
Payment will only be made to the provider who is enrolled and approved by the MDHHS to provide services requested by the Medicaid recipient. Providers must submit a services verification report in the CHAMPS system for payment. An exception may be granted to submit hard copies in certain cases.

For forms or to learn more contact your local MDHHS office, visit tinyurl.com/MDHHSHomeHelp, or call 1.800.979.4662.